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14 Signs You Need to Hire an Electric Repair Service in Mississippi ASAP

Electricity serves as the backbone of commercial properties, driving everything from crucial office equipment to vital industrial operations. In Mississippi, the unique combination of weather conditions and local infrastructure demands that businesses pay close attention to the health of their electrical systems. Recognizing the signs that your commercial electrical system needs professional repair services is essential for ensuring operational safety, efficiency, and longevity.

Here are key indicators that it’s time to consult with expert electricians for commercial electrical repairs.

1. Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips

A common indicator of electrical issues in commercial settings is the frequent tripping of circuit breakers. This often signals an overloaded circuit, posing significant fire risks to businesses. Circuit breakers are designed to safeguard your commercial property by disconnecting power during system overloads, but regular tripping points to deeper problems that demand expert electrical services.

2. Flickering or Dimming Lights

When lights flicker or dim as various appliances or heavy-duty machinery are used, it suggests that the commercial electrical system is under strain. This issue, often stemming from outdated wiring, malfunctioning electrical panels, or an underpowered system, not only disrupts business operations but may also escalate into more severe complications without timely electrical repairs.

3. Outdated or Aluminum Wiring

Commercial buildings with outdated or aluminum wiring face increased risks of electrical failures. The Consumer Product Safety Commission highlights that properties with aluminum wiring, particularly those constructed before 1972, are significantly more prone to fire hazards. For businesses in such buildings, it’s crucial to engage a Mississippi-based electrical repair service for a thorough inspection and potential wiring upgrade to ensure compliance and safety.

4. Burning Smells or Sparks

The detection of burning smells or sparks emanating from outlets or switches within a commercial setting is a direct sign of dangerous electrical issues. These symptoms often indicate overheating, short circuits, or wire damage, which could lead to devastating electrical fires without immediate intervention from a team of professional electricians.

5. Electrical Shocks

Experiencing shocks or tingles when interacting with appliances or switches in a commercial space is alarming. This phenomenon may point to grounding problems or faults in the electrical connections, necessitating an urgent check by electrical repair specialists to prevent hazards in the workplace.

6. Rising Energy Bills

An unexplained surge in energy costs can indicate inefficiencies within a commercial electrical system. Aging, damaged, or poorly installed electrical components can cause excessive power consumption, driving up expenses. A professional electrical service can assess your system, identify areas of inefficiency, and fix the problem, potentially resulting in considerable savings for the business.

7. Lack of Outlets or Insufficient Capacity

Relying excessively on extension cords or power strips often means a commercial property lacks the necessary outlets or capacity to meet its electrical demands. This scenario is typical in older buildings not designed for modern technological loads. Professional electric repair services can add outlets and enhance the system to support business requirements safely and efficiently.

8. Planning a Renovation or Major Installation

Planning significant renovations, construction projects, or the installation of large-scale appliances or machinery mandates a review and possible upgrade of the commercial electrical system. Ensuring the system can safely support new additions is vital for uninterrupted business operations.

9. Noisy Electrical Outlets or Switches

Unusual noises like buzzing or crackling from outlets or switches in commercial settings indicate potential electrical issues that could lead to overheating and fire risks. Such sounds warrant immediate investigation by a professional electrician.

10. Outlets or Switch Plates That Are Warm to the Touch

Outlets and switch plates in a commercial environment should never be warm to the touch. Warmth indicates a potentially unsafe wiring situation or an overburdened circuit, requiring prompt attention from a commercial electrical repair service to avert fires. This issue, often overlooked, can significantly compromise the safety and functionality of your Mississippi business’s electrical infrastructure.

11. Aging Electrical System

Commercial properties over 25 years old with no electrical updates are likely ill-equipped for the energy demands of current business operations, posing inefficiency and hazard risks. An electrical system inspection and potential upgrade by professionals are advisable to maintain operational safety and efficiency. Upgrading can enhance the commercial property’s electrical performance and ensure compliance with modern electrical codes and standards in Mississippi.

12. Visible Wire Damage

Visible wire damage, such as fraying, exposure, or pest damage, can cause dangerous shorts and fire risks in commercial properties. Since such damage often occurs in hidden areas, regular professional inspections are recommended. Addressing visible wire damage promptly with electrical repair services can prevent costly downtime and ensure the continuous operation of your Mississippi business.

13. Tripping GFCI Outlets

Frequent tripping of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets in a commercial space might signal leakage currents or faults in appliances or wiring, necessitating a professional evaluation. Ensuring GFCI outlets function correctly is crucial for preventing electrical shock hazards and maintaining a safe commercial environment, especially in moisture-prone areas of your Mississippi business.

14. Difficulty Operating Appliances at Full Power

If commercial appliances fail to operate at full capacity or cause lights to dim upon activation, the electrical system might be overstressed or improperly configured, risking appliance longevity and system damage and even the safety of your customers. Such issues highlight the need for a robust electrical service capable of meeting the high demands of commercial operations in Mississippi, ensuring that your business’s productivity and efficiency are not compromised.


In conclusion, recognizing the need for professional electric repair service is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your electrical system in Mississippi. At Apex Electric, we emphasize the importance of preventive maintenance, which not only ensures optimal operation but also helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate. This approach is key to safeguarding both residential and commercial properties against unforeseen electrical failures.Building on the foundation of preventive maintenance, the choice of the right contractor becomes the next critical step. Apex Electric distinguishes itself by offering trusted, expert services that cater to the specific requirements of each client. Our dedication to quality and safety ensures that every project, be it repair, installation, or routine maintenance, adheres to the highest industry standards. With Apex Electric, you gain a partner committed to the long-term well-being of your electrical system.