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Future-Focused: Unlocking the Potential of Alternative Power Solutions

For decades, there have been never-ending discussions about the damage caused to the environment by pumping harmful gasses into the atmosphere. Because of this, several ideas on how to protect the environment were put into place, either by law or social consciousness, to clean up the earth and minimize further pollution. These ideas include recycling, picking up trash, and using alternative power solutions.

This article will focus on the options and benefits that come with various alternative power solutions today.

What Are Alternative Power Solutions?

Alternative power solutions refer to energy sources aside from fossil fuels, like coal, diesel, and petroleum, and include all nuclear and renewable energy sources.

One of the most significant advantages of using an alternative power solution is that it won’t run out. Our days of relying on fossil fuels are limited, which is why alternative power solutions have become more beneficial than traditional sources.

Another huge advantage of using alternative power solutions is that most don’t require the same damaging and expensive extraction techniques.

If you’re considering using alternative power solutions and lowering your energy use from fossil fuels, contact a professional as soon as possible. They can help you change your energy plans.

What Are the Different Alternative Power Solutions?

There are plenty of alternative power solutions available today. While some are well-known, others are relatively unheard of. Some of these are:

Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen gas is an important energy carrier and a potential alternative clean energy fuel. Hydrogen can be produced from different domestic resources with the potential for minimal to zero greenhouse gas emissions. Once produced, hydrogen generates electrical power in fuel cells, which only emit water vapor and warm air. This energy source holds promise for growth in the stationary and transportation energy sectors. 


Also known as hydroelectric power, hydropower offers a myriad of benefits to the communities they serve. For one, it plays an important role in our fight against climate change by providing essential power, storage, and flexibility services. It impacts every community’s flood control measures and irrigation support. It’s also one of cleanest source of energy as it’s driven by the sun. 

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is taken from the core of an atom, which should be split to gain its energy. This process is called fission and is harnessed inside a power plant. The process relies on rods of nuclear material, which adjust depending on how much electricity is produced.

Using nuclear energy has many benefits. Besides being one of the most low-carbon energy sources, it also has one of the smallest carbon footprints. Additionally, it can be the answer to the energy gap and can be an essential response to climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Tidal Energy

The process of producing tidal energy is still fairly new. Presently, only a small amount of tidal energy has been produced, and it’ll take a long time to see its impact on the environment and its users. This is a predictable energy source (as tidal patterns are consistent and well understood) that maintains its efficiency and requires easy and flexible maintenance. 

Wind Energy

Wind energy is an excellent alternative power solution if you’re looking for something accessible and clean for residential and commercial properties. It’s sustainable and doesn’t release any emissions as a by-product, meaning it doesn’t harm the environment.

Additionally, wind is a renewable energy because there will always be wind. Common energy sources, like fossil fuels, tend to fluctuate in price. On average, it only takes six months or less for a wind farm to repay its carbon footprint. 

Solar Energy

Solar energy is one of the most known sources of alternative energy — and it’s easy to see why. Solar is another renewable energy, and the cost for its installation can be made back through energy bill savings. However, solar energy has one potential setback: its solar panels are prone to deterioration over time and aren’t 100% weather-safe, especially in areas or countries with unpredictable weather conditions.

Answering FAQs About Alternative Power Solutions

Are you planning to invest in one of the alternative power solutions mentioned but still have a few questions in mind? This section is dedicated to answering some of your most common questions about alternative power solutions.

Q: What is the most used alternative energy source?

A: In 2019, wind energy overtook hydropower for being the most-used renewable energy source in the US.

Q: What is the cheapest alternative energy source?

A: According to IRENA Renewable Power Generation Costs, wind and solar were the cheapest energy sources. In 2019, the average cost of wind turbine energy is at $0.053 per kWh, while photovoltaic solar was $0.068 per kWh.

Q: Which alternative energy is growing the fastest? 

A: Based on the options presented here, solar power, wind energy, and hydropower are growing in popularity fast.

Q: Is alternative energy cost-effective?

A: The answer to this question depends on the energy source used. Wind is one of the best examples of a cost-effective alternative source of energy. Wind turbines are generally cheap to build and require little maintenance. Aside from wind farms, solar energy is also cheap and cost-effective in the long run because it’s renewable — the sun will always shine.

Q: What is the cleanest form of renewable energy? 

A: The cleanest form of renewable energy comes from water, superficially in the form of hydropower. It’s used worldwide because it’s cheap, easy to dispatch and store, and can be produced without any fossil fuels.

Make The Switch Today!

Do you want to utilize alternative energy sources for your residential or commercial properties? At Apex Electric, LLC, our team of highly trained professionals have years of experience and knowledge. Our long list of satisfied customers proves the quality of our projects and craftsmanship.

Contact us today, and let’s discuss which alternative power solution best fits your needs. Our mission has always been to offer the best services at the best price to our customers!